About Us
We are the only emergency ambulance service in greater Wellington and the Wairarapa, and the only ones in the country who are free.
We are the only emergency ambulance service in greater Wellington and the Wairarapa, and the only ones in the country who are free.
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Restart A Heart Day 2019
Restart A Heart Day 2019
There’s a chain of survival for cardiac arrest and it starts with early CPR, early defibrillation, and early response from medical services; take away any of these factors, and there’s a significant reduction in survival rates.
On 16 October, Wellington Free Ambulance will be teaching New Zealanders CPR as part of Restart a Heart Day 2019.
Every week on average, four people suffer a cardiac arrest somewhere in Greater Wellington and Wairarapa and when a bystander steps in to perform CPR, the chances of survival can double.
“The best chance of survival comes when someone nearby immediately calls 111 and starts CPR. The more people trained and confident in CPR, the more people we can save,” says Wellington Free Ambulance Medical Director Dr Andy Swain.
Knowing how to do CPR could save the life of a family member, friend or colleague – and you never know when you’ll need it, so it’s best to be prepared.
Take 5 November 2018 for instance. John was playing golf with friends Adrian, Colin and Clive when he stumbled back and fell to the ground. His friends arrived at John’s side to find him not breathing.
Thankfully Adrian, Clive and Colin knew what to do. Clive immediately called 111, while Adrian and Colin started CPR. There was no time to get emotional; John needed them.
Together, John’s friends started the chain of survival.
Within minutes of calling 111, First Responder Craig arrived. Then Paramedics Kristy, Mark, Andre, and Derek made it to the scene and immediately got the defibrillator ready to shock John’s heart.
Together, after many shocks to John’s heart, the team managed to get his heart beating again.
After a long recovery, John is now home with his family.
For Restart a Heart Day this year, Wellington Free Ambulance will be teaching hundreds of New Zealanders CPR at Wellington Airport with our CPR training programme, Heartbeat.
The programme is supported by the Lloyd Morrison Foundation and training is free to schools, businesses and community groups across Greater Wellington and Wairarapa.
Heartbeat coordinator Amy Williams says the chain of survival wouldn’t happen without people who are willing to learn what’s needed.
“Responding with CPR increases chance of survival, when combined with the use of an AED, this chance increased to 80 per cent. Being confident in CPR and knowing how to use an AED are incredibly important skills to learn,” Amy says.