About Us

We're the only emergency ambulance service in Greater Wellington and Wairarapa and our services are uniquely free of charge, a founding value that we're really proud of.

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We're the only emergency ambulance service in Greater Wellington and Wairarapa and our services are uniquely free of charge, a founding value that we're really proud of.

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Minimising adverse impacts from COVID-19

Minimising adverse impacts from COVID-19

The roads are eerily empty when Jimmy Crombie drives to work each day. It’s one of the many things that has changed since New Zealand moved to alert level 4 due to COVID-19.

A video from Wellington Free Ambulance.

Jimmy has worked at Wellington Free for almost 10 years. In that time he’s had a number of roles including an Extended Care Paramedic on the road. His role now is Response Manager for the Wellington Free Ambulance Incident Management Team (IMT).

Minimising adverse impacts from COVID-19 and working to maintain normal service operations to deliver best patient care is the goal, but this has meant more change for Jimmy and his team. 

“It’s been a massive change of pace and the work within our team has been inspiring.

“Everyone is understandably stressed but there’s a huge team of people behind us. There are those on the road, at head office and at home, as well as those behind the scenes helping ensure our staff, patients and community are as safe as possible,” says Jimmy.

As Wellington Free continues to respond to business as usual, there are also many new processes to follow.

Jimmy explains it has been a massive change but we’ve still been able to maintain the level of care Wellington Free is known for.

“Changes come fast as knowledge about COVID-19 develops and new practices emerge, so the IMT must keep on top of this.”

Despite the changing environment, the most important thing Jimmy wants the community to know is that Wellington Free is here for you.

“We are working hard every day to keep you safe and well.”

If you ring 111 we, along with Fire and Emergency NZ and New Zealand Police will continue to respond to emergencies. However please only call 111 if you are facing an emergency. 

Remember you can also call Healthline’s dedicated COVID-19 number – 0800 358 5453 – if you have concerns about your health or the health of others.



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You Rights & More info


Your Rights

As our patient, and under the Health and Disability Commissioner’s Code of Rights, you have the right to:

  • Be treated with respect
  • Be fully informed
  • Freedom from discrimination, coercion, harassment and exploitation
  • dignity and independence
  • Services of an appropriate standard
  • Effective communication
  • Be fully informed
  • Make an informed choice and give informed consent
  • Support
  • Respect of teaching or research
  • Complain

If we don’t respect these, let us know and we’ll do everything we can to put it right.

Support in the process

If you need support or help with making a complaint, you can contact the office of the Health and Disability Commissioner and ask for an advocate.

0800 555 050


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