About Us
We're the only emergency ambulance service in Greater Wellington and Wairarapa and our services are uniquely free of charge, a founding value that we're really proud of.
We're the only emergency ambulance service in Greater Wellington and Wairarapa and our services are uniquely free of charge, a founding value that we're really proud of.
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Introducing Graduate Intern: Nikayla
Introducing Graduate Intern: Nikayla

Nikayla says there is no better feeling than having saved someone’s life or being there in their time of need.
But Nikayla remembers a time before she studied paramedicine when a friend had an unexpected seizure. At the time, she did not know what to do and was scared however, she remembers how awesome the paramedics were.
Since joining Wellington Free Ambulance as a Graduate Intern in November, Nikayla has been to a number of seizures that mirror her experience and explains how great the feeling is when she gets to help someone else’s loved one.
“It is the unknown that excites me; it is one of the reasons I wanted a career in paramedicine. There is no normal time for emergencies and to be kept on your toes at any hour of the day is exciting. I also enjoy meeting different patients who always have different stories to share,” Nikayla says.
One of the most standout aspects of the job so far was being part of the world-wide frontline response to COVID-19.
“There was a shift in how we cared about a patient’s wellbeing while also remembering that you have your own to look after,” she says.
As we enter July and winter makes its mark, Nikayla wants to encourage families and communities to look after themselves.
“It is no surprise that we see a surge in people with flu-like symptoms during the winter season which ultimately means we see more of the patients across all of Wellington. I think the same tips drilled into us during COVID-19 can apply to the common cold and influenza also. Wash your hands, cough or sneeze into your elbow, and stay home if you are sick. Eat well, keep yourselves cozy and warm if you can, and my personal winter favourite; a lemon and honey drink never goes amiss.”
Over the coming months, Nikayla is looking forward to furthering her knowledge and experience, while also being able to progress as a paramedic.