About Us
We're the only emergency ambulance service in Greater Wellington and Wairarapa and our services are uniquely free of charge, a founding value that we're really proud of.
We're the only emergency ambulance service in Greater Wellington and Wairarapa and our services are uniquely free of charge, a founding value that we're really proud of.
What we doOur news
200 patients avoid long and unnecessary trip to hospital
200 patients avoid long and unnecessary trip to hospital

Last year Wellington Free Ambulance, alongside Tū Ora Compass Health and with funding from CCDHB we launched a new treatment pathway for Kāpiti residents which has meant more than 200 patients have avoided a long, unnecessary trip to Wellington Hospital’s Emergency Department.
Patients who require emergency ambulance care and a possible trip to hospital are able to receive funded treatment by their local GP or medical centre.
Last year Lesley, who was our 100th patient, needed our help for a serious nosebleed.
“It was frightening; I didn’t know what to do.”
Lesley called for the nurse at Metlifecare Retirement Village where she lives. The nurse then called 111 and asked for an ambulance.
Like many Kapiti residents, Lesley didn’t really want to go all the way to Wellington so our paramedics suggested an alternative plan.
“I’m always very pleased with the Wellington Free service and have used them before – but this was great. They looked after me so well and it was nice to stay close to home.”
Lesley was seen by a doctor at Team Medical Centre who was able to treat her.
Nathan Shippam, Service Integration Manager at Wellington Free, says Lesley’s is a common scenario for Kapiti residents and highlights that this collaboration is well-equipped to provide the most appropriate and timely care for Kāpiti patients.
“Our highly trained clinicians always assess and work with patients to determine the best medical treatment, but this service allows us to take a more collaborative approach. Being referred by Wellington Free to your GP, being closer to home and avoiding potential long waits in ED can make a big difference to how patients feel during what can be a really distressing time.”
The strong partnership between local general practice teams, the Kāpiti Health Advisory Group, CCDHB and Wellington Free continues to help improve access to after-hours and urgent healthcare for many Kāpiti residents.